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  • Work. Met this guy from an online dating site, which I've been talking to for one day. Totally spontaneous, totally fun. Flirting, beer and a good time. Got home well past midnight.
  • Work. Spent the entire night in bed reading fanfic, random surfing and chatting with guys.
  • Work. Spent the entire night in bed reading fanfic, random surfing and chatting with guys.
  • Work, had a really shitty day. Train home to Lillehammer. Watched TV and a movie with my family.
  • Walked to the other side of town just to check out a new store. Played board games with mom, sister and brother for a while, before my BFF joined us. Drinking and playing. There was "fastelavnsboller", yum!
  • Spent a while reading fanfic in "bed" before playing a round of Settlers of Catan with my family. Had dinner and more "fastelavnsboller" before taking the train back home to Oslo.
  • Work. Dinner at Elm Street with Sigurd. KANDU ChillOut meeting. Reading Checkmate and playing on Tumblr the rest of the night.
  • Work. Dinner with Daniel, a former co-worker. Fanfiction and Tumblr for a while, before falling asleep at 9 pm.
  • Work. Did some very quick nail polish shopping, and then did some more later that night on the web. Read Checkmate, watched Queer as FOlk and did my nails, again <-- tried two colors on one nail, took me forever and didn't look that good.
  • Work. Had a chill night with some cleaning in a slow pace, and reading fanfic, watching TV series and just...taking it easy.
  • Work. Cider and hot-dogs with co-workers. Ended up being rather drunk and going out on town alone at 10 pm. Met Mario after a little while, and we had a couple drinks at Tempest before dancing the night away at a gay night club.
  • Got up at 9 am. Watched a few shows and read a bit before sleeping a couple hours. Met Anki at the train station and did some shopping. Ate dinner at a restaurant close by, before drinking cider/drinks at my place. Went to a bar and then to an after party at a co-worker's house.
  • TV series and fanfiction the entire day.
  • Work. Relaxing at home with TV series, random surfing and fanfiction.
  • Work. Home alone with fanfiction, surfing and "exercising". Finally watched a movie again, an Asian gay movie.
  • Work. Dinner at Friday's and Rango at the movies. When I got home there was mail to me, lots of new nail polishes, so I spent a good while trying them while watching TV series.
  • Work. Dinner with Sigurd at Oslo City and some shopping on my own. Watched a movie and then just randomly surfed the Internet.
  • Work. Cleaning the apartment, and doing some mild exercise. Went to pick up my brother from the train. Watched TV series and went to bed rather early.
  • Slept in. Had a shower and breakfast before going out to do a bit of shopping. When we got back home we had steaks and watched a movie. Went to bed early.
  • Slept in (yes, I did a whole lot of sleeping this weekend). Watched some TV series and then I played some board games with roomie and my brother. Followed my brother to the train station. Watched TV series and a movie the rest of the night.
  • Work. Asian evening, with wok, anime and Japanese candy. Watched more TV series and another movie.
  • Work. Movie and steaks at John's.
  • Work. Walked home from work (5,7 km). Had a relaxing night with movies and TV series.
  • Work. Movie. Cleaning. Movie.
  • Work. Did some quick cleaning when I got home. Went with Sigurd to pick up his Internet-chat-friend and her boyfriend on the train station. Some shopping with them, then got pizza take away and had a cozy night in with food, chatting and Firefly.
  • Slept in. Sigurd + friends went to a museum while I went to a flea market. Met up for dinner at our place before going to the ferry to Denmark. Met Dag-Tore in the tax free store. Pre-party and then out on "town" on-board the boat. Had a great night, lots of fun with new friends and old friends.
  • Tried to get up early, but no chance. Got up to meet the others for lunch at 1 pm. With high seas and a bit of a hangover from the party the day before, I ended up eating nothing (well, 5 cucumber slices) before finding a toilet and emptying my stomach. Then I found the bed once again, and stayed there as long as I could. At 4 pm we had to leave the cabins and found ourselves a place in the cafeteria. Ate, did some tax free shopping, chatted. When we got back to Oslo, we ate at McDonald's and said goodbye to our new friends. Had a relaxing night at home.
  • Work. ChillOut meeting with pizza and cake. Watched a movie when I got home.
  • Work. Walked home. Did some exercising. Watched movies/TV series.
  • Work. Walked to Ringen Kino (6,1 km). Had junk-food dinner before going to a secret-pre-premiere at the movies of what turned out to be Battle: LA. I won a bag! Watched a second movie when I got home.
  • Work. Walked home. Cleaned the apartment, in case of weekend-visitors. Spent the rest of the evening/night in bed watching movies and TV series.
mar 2 2011 ∞
apr 11 2011 +