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  • Slept in. Flea market with John. Going out for pizza with John. TV series and relaxing the rest of the night.
  • Work. Walking home. Relaxing evening/night at home.
  • Work. Walking home. Watching a couple of episodes. Walking/running for a couple of hours. Watching series the rest of the night.
  • Work. Meeting John. Buying expensive running shoes and a pedometer. Back to his place for homemade pizza and TV series.
  • Sick. Laying in bed all day watching American Idol.
  • Sick. Watching TV series. Cleaning a bit.
  • Flea market x2. Watching everything happening on Aker Brygge and Rådhusplassen. Meeting Sigurd's family for a quick hello. Drinks and dinner with Anne and Kurt.
  • Flea market x3. Walking to Bjølsen. Enjoying a pizza and reading fanfiction in the park. Walking home. Relaxing at home.
  • Work. Walking to Frognerparken. BBQ in the park with Sigurd. Tried Geocaching for the first time. Relaxing in bed the rest of the night.
  • Work. Biking to Maridalsvannet, down to Museum of Science and Technology to find a cache, and then on to Alexander Kiellandsplass where I parked the bike. Walked and found more geocaches along the river on my way home. Cleaning the rest of the night.
  • Work. Geocaching at Bygdøy with John for several hours. A couple of TV series before bedtime.
  • Work. Biking to Nationaltheateret. Shopping for shoes with John. Cleaning the apartment.
  • Work. Dinner at Baldr Spiseri with co-workers, and then out for drinks with the same co-workers.
  • Woke up bright and early (9, and I went to sleep at 3:30), ate breakfast and went for some shopping. Bad taste party/Eurovision Song Contest party and drinking with friends the rest of the night.
  • Stayed in all day due to rainy weather, doing nothing at all, just sleeping and watching random TV shows.
  • Work. Geocaching at Bygdøy. Biking home. TV series the rest of the night.
  • Norway's constitution day. Champagne breakfast, then out for a walk, before BBQ at some friend's house.
  • Work. Went home on the train due to rainy weather. Stayed at home a while, bored, trying to watch TV. Bored out of my mind I went for s walk in the rain, trying to find geocaches.
  • Work. A long hiking trip on Bygdøy, finding two geocaches. Biking home. Relaxing at home while Sigurd made dinner. Cleaning.
  • Work. BBQ with ChillOut. Went to meet my brother on the train station, found a geocache while I waited. Working from 22:00-02:00.
  • Slept in. Did a bit of shopping, or browsing really, all I bought was a used DVD and three packs of batteries. Watches a movie and then went to the movies. Watched TV series when we got home.
  • Slept in. Watched TV series. Did some geocaching with John in the rain. Late dinner at John's.
  • Work. Went for a long walk (several hours actually), found 9 geocaches on the way. Relaxing in bed, talking to Frode the rest of the night.
  • Work. Walked to the city center, found 4 geocaches and walked home. Relaxing night with TV series and random surfing the rest of the night.
  • Work. Towel Day! BBQ with KANDU.
  • Work. A several hours long geocaching trip all the way around Oslo city. Relaxing when I got home, downloading TV series and getting ready for my vacation.
  • Work. Packing and getting ready for my vacation.
  • Met my family at Oslo Airport Gardermoen. Plane to Palma de Mallorca. Was picked up on the airport by my sister. Eating out late late at night with my entire family and my sisters BF. Then ice cream.
  • Palma de Mallorca. Shopping at a market in Santa Maria. Driving around for a while, looking. Visited my sister's house, saying hello to all her small pets. Eating out.
  • Palma de Mallorca. Shopping in the old part of town most of the day. Dinner at a local pizza joint with mom and sister in the evening.
  • Palma de Mallorca. Drove to a small mountain village and just relaxed, looking at the houses and people. Drove for a while, seeing one more small village and watching a lightning storm from afar. Visited my sister again. Sightseeing at the old castle. Eating out.
may 11 2011 ∞
jun 8 2011 +