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  • It's impossible to get me out of bed, when I start work at 8 am I'm always late, and I can sleep until forever in the weekends
  • I can lay in bed all day, several days in a row, just watching movies
  • I can't for the life of me have flowers, green plants or even cactus, because I never water them
  • I'm easily distracted, and the queen of procrastinating
  • I never take the initiative to be social, and my friends have to ask me again and again before I finally relent into going
  • If I could live a good life without working a day, I would, and no way I would be bored!
  • I'm very fond of traveling by the means of a taxi, rather than walking or taking the bus/subway, even when it takes me about the same amount of time, and cost me a lot more
  • And I'm equally fond of take away or eating at restaurants over making my own food
  • When I get home, I usually change into lounge pants and sometimes even comfy sweatshirts
  • I have no education, and I only work what I'm needed to live an okay life
  • I have never exercised in my life, other than in PE classes in school
mar 22 2011 ∞
mar 23 2011 +