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In the books/general:

  • Stephenie Meyer's shitty language
  • They sparkle
  • No fangs
  • Bella managing the transform to a vampire without any problems, something NO OTHER vampire has been able to
  • In Midnight Sun, where she's supposed to write from Edward's POV, a several hundred years old vampire, and she STILL has that incredibly bad language of a 15 year old girl
  • Bella being pregnant with a baby that's at least half vampire, and they didn't get what kind of food it craved. 5 several hundred years old vampires with no clue to what a vampire baby wants to eat, how stupid can they be?
  • And how come Bella like to eat blood in Breaking Dawn, while she fainted of a tiny drop of blood in Twilight?
  • In New Moon, when Edward left, and I knew he were coming back, so I ended up just skimming almost the entire book because the Jacob stuff was boring
  • The entire Bree Tanner book, with EVEN WORSE language! How is this even possible?
  • Why doesn't anyone have cell phones? The books are written in the cell phone era, and they're all old enough to have cell phones

In the movies, in addition to everything above:

  • Kristen Stewart's so-called acting
  • The awful wigs in New Moon and Eclipse
  • Generally bad acting
  • Obsessing over Jacob's body, yeah, he's almost nude all the time, he's supposed to be, there's a reason for it! But, they didn't need to obsess THAT much
  • How they vary the color scheme/feel from the Twilight to New Moon. Twilight is with a blue tint, while New Moon is with a golden tint. If they had to vary it, I would've preferred it to be the other way around, because New Moon is the sad book, blue is a sad color, Twilight is more happy, and should have the happy golden color
  • Robert Pattinson's music, even though it sorta fits in the movie, it's really bad
  • They changed the first kiss, from a cute and innocent kiss outdoors in the book, to a heavy make-out session with Bella almost naked, in her bed, late at night in the movie. I want the romantic shit that happened in the book!
  • The eye color of the vampires in New Moon and Eclipse. They looked really good in Twilight, but someone changed that
mar 16 2011 ∞
mar 18 2011 +