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it's not days we remember, it's the moments.
——— janeiro
um. black-out bêbada, ressaca, ansiedade, chuva, you, detox, tae's falsetto, ana e fox, mimos da europa e lambidas, van gogh, metas da década, pôr do sol, café e cerejas!, praia pela manhã, receitas veganas, carnival row, bichos e natureza = paz. ♥
dois. love, simon, rolê c myles, lets e clara, frozen, audrey hepburn e livros, morgana na vet (virginiana!), may e mariana, parasita e karaokê nostálgico, bon voyage, roman holiday, call c a deb, mental breakdown. ♥
três. bodas de prata dos meus pais, minha mãe é uma peça, chopperia, :D, carole, tarot, i'm so lost, medos, vestibular, universitária?, scared, the chalk man, tpm, maratona de sex education.
quatro. insônia, tour?, desenho (deer), fugindo de visita na rafa, pizza, lincoln, maratona de filme, bad day, little women, sono regulado, auto da compadecida, visita da bianca, sabrina, chuva no cond.
cinco. cozinhando c a bia, hang out c ela e minha fam, morgana dodói, perdemos bts no grammy pelo bbb, shopping!, marca-textos pasteis, make e roupa, oftalmo, black swan, hide&seek, bad days.
——— fevereiro
um. ana, crepúsculo e good omens, inferioridade, he broke me, breakdown no cond, detox social, diploma, renner, my 1st life, coming of age c may e sérgio, aves de rapina e feminismo, guarda-roupa arrumado.
dois. surto e insegurança, muito rivotril, chuva, psicoarmys uni-vos, energia boa na uni ♡, hangout na biblioteca e no mc, to all the boys 2, música clássica, cappuccino e profs incríveis, leituras incompreensíveis?, turma comunista. talvez eu seja feliz na faculdade. ♥
três. itaewon class, zoar na aula, ansiedade, bokjoo, summercamp au, kathlyn e tênis, may e rachel, projeções e surgimento do coronga, lives antigas, night date no gardênia e netflix no forte, dorama, mots: 7, chororô e heartwarmed :( ♥
quatro. zero o'clock e moon, carnaval, textos da facul, chuva e frio, aula de neuro, bonding c as migas ♥, terraço, bts, carta p sun e desenho, ep depressivo, au, japchae e mesa das canceladas. ♥
——— março
um. ansiosa, ler td dia ✓, neurociência, carente, corte no cabelo, we don't remember days we remember memories, vir da facul c lari, his cock, alma do bangtan, gripe e cochilos, b99.
dois. doente, next in fashion, yoongi's live, don't feel right, adri ♡, ver run ao chegar em casa, resenha, sobrancelha, handholding e terraço, ctps, study group, may, coronavírus, aulas canceladas, love is blind.
três. feita de palhaça, detox social, journal!, organizada e responsável, quarentena, aula online, mapa mental, studio ghibli, óleo de coco, chuva, dia 17, jogos c maytina, dirty w sass, i have a soothing voice. ♥
quatro. scared for my fam, i miss uni, cachos, carregador, 1 week, study w ana, adidas, b99 e girl from nowhere, jimin me acordou, lonely af, college au, uni's tiring.
——— abril
um. epubs, the office, três dias seguidos em call c/ a ana, stele, dance covers, metamorfose, filme de terror, desanimada com a facul, faltar aulas, desmaio?
dois. crash landing on you, devorando livros de thriller em 1 dia, sometimes the wrong train takes you to the right station, rainy mood, social media detox.
três. cinnamon cappuccino, ep depressivo, insônia, uni & exams are killing me, sufocada, curso prevenção ao suicídio, crying lots, lendo howl's a tarde toda, compras, hi bye mama.
quatro. mom's bday, sunbath ☀, letters of vincent, decorando quarto, dias bons ♥, cursos complementares, lady killers, disfórica e cansada, sb spree, 7, ghibli films, estudos em dia, yoongi pintor e psicólogo!, anger attack.
cinco. serial killers e k-drama c mãe, vida de rapunzel, notas ruins, the office s4 e 5, preocupações demais, iu ft. suga, morgana castrada, não quero viver, hurting myself and my family.
——— maio
um. estudando p provas, bride of habaek, rainy cozy productive mornings ♥, família e stress, red white and royal blue, mood swings, notas boas!, dezenove outonos, recebendo carinho, planos p futuro, Her.
dois. extracurricular, fim da N1!, long calls, exercising, but not really, 2gether, meio dodói :(, abeille ♡, escrevendo teses, may, gifts & late bday, bad reality shows, bts in sp. ♥
três. doente :(, insônia, calls, aulas em dia, the circle br, finalizando e enviando teses, D-2, can't believe yoongi saved me once again.
quatro. exausta e irritadiça, frio, emptiness, muitas leituras, diário, morgana carente e manhosa, semestre finalizando, never have i ever, coming of age, 5 livros em inglês.
——— junho
um. bad days. desmotivada. última semana de aulas. doente. rpd e the office. dias frios e sem sol. little women. só quero que a semana acabe.
dois. stress. ppl throwing shit at me. final exams. leslie's everything hurts and i'm dying. feels like i'm already dead. férias! txt & sarah. hot weather. time alone is doing good. too much reading & bangtan. ♥
três. twt pessoal. bts festa. ao3. reduzindo calmante. furúnculo. stress & tears :(. film marathon. preciso focar em mim e relaxar. lendo thrillers. sarah, our babies and loud laughter. visita (de longe) das primas. ♥
quatro. pesadelos com ele e Elas. dias quentes. calling barrocas, ana e sarah. estudantes de psi e dates com txt. k-drama. me sentindo bem. relaxing & refreshing days. lendo, escrevendo e refletindo. the office s9. ♥
——— julho
um. musicais & disney songs. journal. new haircut. cutting nonna's hair. slow and boring days. migraine. i-land. need new clothes D:. stressed [w neighbours].
dois. be aware of ur surroundings. does it still spark joy? crying w the office's end. beauty in ordinary things. morgana's bath. chain. pizza night. parks. cotton candy. cooking my meals.
três. cortando clonazepam. darker shade. grade da faculdade. was it love? painting process. i could live in ghibli's films. horror youtube. fluffy blanket. sarah, reality & discord. ♥
quatro. lambs. one pill. soft makeup. cafe! warm reading. baking [went wrong]. migraine & darkness. nath & rafa. house hunting. harry potter. anxious [w adulting] and worried [w surgery].
cinco. health issues. golden hour is 7am. rain, lemon cake and bad movies ♥. friends. lincoln. blue mug, blue house. nostalgia is bittersweet; it aches. i'm young, but youth feels like a lifetime ago. ♥
——— agosto
um. slowing down. packing. journal. beach at night. cold weather. muffin. inner secrets. before the coffee gets cold. guns n' roses. psy studies. loneliness. italian film at nath's. stress moving out.
dois. settling in new house. depressed and suicid*l. gotta make a home. hp5. dermato! maytina & book club, sarah, ninha, lia and sah. housecleaning therapy ♥. nath & rafa! psychoanalysis course w Him. phone battery. magical night routine ✨.
três. my cats playing on the yard ⚘⚘⚘. panic attack + burden feeling :(. davi's soothing voice. alquimista. mall. bedroom decor. faxina. flower of evil. rain. dynamite. happy high. late night call w lia.
quatro. beginning of uni semester. planning coming of age trip ♡. mood swings. being nath's caretaker. dark. having call w friends and a rando(?). studying. dreams of saints and her forgiveness.
——— setembro
um. vegan grocery. thrifting. academic readings [ft. ana]. exhaustion. sick family :/. losing classes. might lose myself. bedroom decor. watching my lectures w. maytina ♥. iced coffee. matress. hot weather.
dois. bike! ♥ feeling the gentle wind in my face. light and free. bonding w. rafa. lotr marathon w. ana & stele. freud. hangout w. lincoln! cycling & exploring for hours. deep flesh wounds after falling :/. studying. ♥
três. black wall! depressive ep :/. ill in bed & anime. studying w may [mood lifted]. social discussions. boards & white sheets ♥. bike w. dad. i-land final & dirty sarah. maytina, tinder & love discussions. feeling high & loud.
quatro. spring. reading hp in the rain. study dates & soop w. may. given. hangout w sis [she's happier :]. nighstand. among us w uni friends. catching up on classes [ft. ana]. hp6 & cherub.
cinco. hot days. who the hell am i. sick naps. drawing [painting ruined it]. back door. cookies. haikyuu & stars align w. sarah. hunting party. early bird.
——— outubro
um. too hot. study dates. bike w dad. fmab. insomnia. the shining. sick (low bp) & depressed. naps & bad tv shows. tenki no ko. thunderstorm. art supplies + ruined paintings. bts concert w bff. ♡
dois. the shining ♡ [want a baby like danny :(]. migraine. sick & napping. kimetsu. monstrous assignments. kindle. coraline & handmaid's tale. girlgroups. panic attack at the doctor. bly manor.
três. hysterical sister :/. family issues. comforting rafa. too much assignments, too little me. 있지. dad's bday ♡. bbq's happy moments. handmaid's & salt. 10 em genética! overthinking personality.
quatro. almond. はたらく細胞. writing assignments for hours. run is back! anxious. chocolate. txt w sah. film w. lia. studying w. ana. housecleaning. halloween marathon! ♥
——— novembro
um. rainy mood. may, nostalgia, baking & drunk scary stories. duas velhas. ♥ sister's back home. migraine all week. calling lia. group projects suck. comfort in gilmore girls & start-up ♡.
dois. summit lake. isolated & indisposed in classes. eating disorder? gilmore girls. wanna indulge into romantics. drawing in rafa's wall. _bruno mars. quem sou eu w stele & ana. the circle fra.
três. eleições. ssd no pc. veteran and i exchanging help. pretentious film discussion. meet dates. analysing relationship & ghost problems. barbecue. anne frank. got uni shit together. mall & credit cards
quatro. study & draw call. makeover. bday party for may ft mari, thay & tina. ♡ enfj? writing assigments. new tv & earphone. start-up. rio de paes. hanging out. batata c cheddar. gabi, may's makeup & milkshake.
——— dezembro
um. migraine & period cramps. sick [covid?]. final exams while ill *stress*. insomnia. hanging w. sarah. gifts for friends. movie marathon w sis (cried a lot). palha italiana. bts' ballet perfomance. mama & yoongi's hologram. ♥
dois. iara's bracelet ♡. end of semester & finals. old pics & videos (cried hearing my child voice & miss them). videocalls & loud laughters. new songs. férias ✨. eyebrows. med au + self-growth. songs nostalgia trip.
três. breakdown. bad horror film & drama w myles. may's exam. lots of rivotril. fever. hp7. true beauty & penthouse. queen's gambit. psychology in evangelion. reflex journal. rabanada.
quatro. summer. bingewatch haikyuu & dramas. artsy decor *cozy mood* ♡. daydream confessions. thundestorm on christmas. cousins' visit (gio did my hair)! holy night, flauta bugada and drunk laughter. period. ♥
cinco. when dimple met rishi. crafting gifts. penthouse. big chop! 90% cachos. haikyuu. alice w. myles. sunset picking may up. manicure. trash movie. bh concert. cooking! old ladies nap. réveillon, we're hot, and wine drunk discussions (may crying over johnny). ♥