I think it’s strange how compassion for other humans can fall in and out of trend. It’s fashionable now to support black lives. It’s so discouraging to watch how neoliberal ideology has permeated our social structure. Corporations took no time at all to sink their teeth in and co-opt these revolutionary terms to use them as marketing tools. It seems today as though we’re just kind of floating in this chasm of phrases thrown around to push our consumption that it all now seems meaningless. Which I guess is the whole point but it still fucking sucks nonetheless. It always feels like progress is around the corner but somehow things just keep getting a hell of a lot worse.

Selfish nature is not human nature but we have gone so far into the rabbit hole of indoctrination, face-fucked into us by the capitalist system from birth. This indoctrination works so effectively because we have gotten to such a sweet spot in late-stage capitalism that we are so lost and confused that we are unable to now even comprehend how the system is actively hurting us. This very same system that makes us believe our self-serving behaviours are inherent and present in each one of us. They are neither natural nor self-serving, this greed and desire we have been taught to love, actively works against us for those who are above us. We are living in a society that idolizes and justifies our consumption.

Consumption is key. CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME. Nothing else matters. Make money. Money that is now nothing but a collection of numbers on a screen. A collection of numbers based upon printed paper with no inherent value aside from the value which we assign it. Paper based upon gold that has hardly any value aside from its lustre, shine, and scarcity. Scarcity is also key. We are told that there is not enough for all of us, there is never enough, never enough, never enough, never ENOUGH. All we need is more. We are never truly happy until we have the next thing, are we? We are addicted but there is no chemical exchange within the brain that can rationalize this addiction, we are imbued with this desire that we are taught to strive for, live for, kill for, die for. There is no addiction more harmful than our collective addiction to money. There is no such thing as excess nowadays. We are taught to seek, crave and desire money by the owners who want nothing else than to exploit our labour for a measly paycheck in order to gain ownership of even more and more and more. MORE AND MORE AND MORE.

Ownership is power, ownership is the goal, when you cannot own enough goods, you seek to own land, when you cannot own enough land, you seek to own power. Power over other humans. Slavery has never truly ended, it has just changed its face. The prison-industrial system is modern-day slavery but on a larger scale than ever before seen. Through the war on drugs, targeted poverty and a militarized police force crawling with white supremacy, the capital owners have found a way to keep the black man imprisoned and working for crumbs and his white counterparts do not care because they have been told that this is just the way things are.

Now is the time to collectivize, unionize and fight. Reform is not possible, revolution is the answer. It is the time for unity and action before the earth crumbles before our eyes.

mar 22 2022 ∞
mar 22 2022 +