Are you an alcoholic Quiz?
- Do you need a drink at a definite time every day?
- I like a drink ( or 2 ) after work...nice glass of wine. If it is really hot a beer is always pleasant.
- Have you been kept away from work or lost your job as a result of alcohol?
- I have skipped school from hangovers, when I was in school there were many occasions that I could not get out of bed, or was sober enough to go to class...but that’s what you do in school...I haven't missed work from drinking...not recently anyway.
- Do you tend to drink when you're feeling depressed or alone?
- helps me sleep thought the shit. Nicer when you mix it with muscle relaxers. Sleep the pain away. (this also works to knock you out on long inter-continental flights)
- Has anyone pointed out that you may have a drinking problem?
- yes a few people, Anthony, but only 1 professional though and he was kind of a fuckwit, Berkley, tree-fucker.
- Has drinking disrupted your social or family life?
- Everyone I hang out with drinks, my mom and all her family drinks. Is what we do when we are together. Its our bonding experience.
- Is drinking affecting your productivity at work?
- Life affects my productivity at work.
- Have you ever told yourself to stop drinking?
- Is it hard for you to control your alcohol intake once you start drinking?
- Sometimes, there are those times when you feel fine, and all of the sudden it hits you like a truck. before youknow it you are a fucking mess!
- Have you been spending a lot of money on drinking?
- I have been known to splurge on a great pitcher of Margarita.
- Is drinking affecting your health?
- I have had a few stomach ulcers... among other things. I have drank myself to really bad gastritis and ended up puking for days…then there is the time my liver was slightly enlarged.
I know I am...but it is awful that I don’t particularly care?.... Thought it does make you fat....i wonder....