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——ㅤ enero

    • 7日. Getting over my fear of feeling old. Continuing to learn about the mud flood theory. Pookie was looking very nordic today and I must be there for him, tho I fear saying the wrong thing.
    • 9日. Had a long talk about how to be egotistical to be the best. I've been that way my whole life so I'm really quite a natural at that ^^ there are so many things one could learn from absolutely everyone that you can use on yourself, sometimes it makes me feel like my brain will explode. I still struggle to cope with the envy I get from seeing others be alive though. I scared him, me and my big mouth.
    • 12日. Finished my mock test, I'm feeling pretty confident. 8th grade, here I come!
    • 14日. Beautiful day today, for the first time in more than a year I did not feel anger at seeing and hearing other people loudly talking and laughing. I could appreciate it for what it was, thank you Levin.
    • 15日. It is easier to appreciate the beautiful summer days when you have a fan. There hasn't been that many cars today so I got to listen to the birds all day.
    • 19日. Devils Tower may be a petrified giant fantasy tree. Feeling like getting myself a sketchbook and draw again,, I feel the artisan in me awake.
    • 20日. I wanna hold you and make you feel better. You're my favorite thing in the world.
    • 24日. Shapes first, lines after. Paint over lines then retouch the ones you want to maintain the shape. loosen up!!!!!
    • 28日. Went outside for the first time since July :)

——ㅤ febrero

    • 4日. Been creating more, making more. i just want 2 free my brain, be mush be goo. deteriorating. Want to get into mmos again but they scare me,, gen z has serial killer dna
    • 6日. I don't wanna study I just wanna drawwww!!!!!
    • 7日. Humbled by my ID picture. Made spiritual love to my beautiful blond bff,, i am in love
    • 12日. Felt the ghost of a feeling I haven't felt in a long time。。FOUND THE MOTHER LODE!!!
    • 17日. Kinda lame how I can only focus on one activity at a time,, I am at least getting into games again but I've stopped reading :/ need to come up w/ a solution
    • 18日. dieeeeeeee dies id eisid eisididesiddieeee die dieeeeee@!!!!!!!
    • 27日. that last passage was kinda crazy LOL!! I'm still sick with the drawing bug,, trying to come up with a country name also. Gotta get back to reading, I miss you Vronsky
jan 8 2025 ∞
feb 27 2025 +