Jay and I don't typically watch movies so reading aloud together is something that allows us to connect and also be entertained.
For 2025, I have the goal to read at least 2 books a month. I know it's not much but I am quite busy. Books we read together will be marked as such (♡).
j a n u a r y
- My Time to Stand by Gypsy-Rose Blanchard ★★★★☆
- It's a shame to say it, but I felt seen. I grew up in an unhealthy situation with my own mother so I can relate in ways that make my heart ache. I am glad I read it and glad she shared.
- The Only Girl in the World by Maude Julien ★★☆☆☆
- I had to force myself to finish it. It felt like a nothing book.
f e b r u a r y
- Wildflower by Drew Barrymore ★★★☆☆
- I wanted to love it as I love Drew Barrymore as a person but it felt disjointed in a way. I appreciate the ways that I could relate to some of her experiences. A bit of digging and it looks like it was a compilation of her blog posts. I would have never looked at her blog otherwise so…
- How Y'all Doing? by Leslie Jordan ★★★★☆
- He was wonderful and truly funny. RIP
- Happy People Are Annoying by Josh Peck ★★★★☆
- I’m glad things are going well for him. He deserves good things (don’t we all!).
m a r c h
- Inferno by Catherine Cho ★★★★★
- Wow. This is a beautifully written, powerful, and frightening book.
- Hooked by Michael Moss
a p r i l
m a y
j u n e
j u l y
a u g u s t
s e p t e m b e r
o c t o b e r
n o v e m b e r
d e c e m b e r
— on hold
- Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding — currently 22:50 of 8:18:57
- Broken Horses by Brandi Carlile — May try again later, but at this time it's not for me.
♡ = read together ★☆