Ivo is an Ancient Germanic name derived from the element iv, meaning "yew".

The longevity of the yew tree and its ability to regenerate led to them being revered as the 'tree of immortality'. While known to grow in the harshest barren and polluted lands, these ancient trees have endured countless changes in the climate throughout the ages. Hedges of yew trees are known to grow back quickly and fallen branches can even take root and form a new tree. This has made the yew a symbol of rebirth, renewal, and steadfastness.

In addition to it's strength, the wood of the yew tree is flexible, making it ideal for crafting. English and Welsh longbows made from yew were known to be especially effective in battle.

Interestingly, every part of the yew tree is toxic with the exception of the red fruit surrounding the poisonous seed.

This short, handsome name makes me think of cool, foggy forests, country lanes lined with hedgerows, welly boots, and red knit sweaters like the sweet red berries of this beautiful tree.

c o m b o s

  • Ivo Augustus
  • Ivo Barnaby
  • Ivo Forest
  • Ivo Frederick
  • Ivo Hawthorne
  • Ivo Ignatius
  • Ivo Jasper
  • Ivo Joseph
  • Ivo Julian
  • Ivo Julius
  • Ivo Lewin
  • Ivo Nicodemus
  • Ivo Peter
  • Ivo Theodore
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