• "I don't get that feeling of panic or of being starstruck. I grew up acknowledging these people as human beings who have a talent that is public. They're not some other species."
  • "Life's too short to get jaded, to not allow yourself to get excited by anything. This is not a normal job- it's not normal what I get to do, and the second I start to think it's normal, that's not cool."
  • "You can never tell, on the hanger, how things are going to work. There are so many things I would look at and say, "That's not going to work on my body shape" - and with a little tailoring it can be perfect."
  • "I've always been a fan of 'less is more' - the idea that you can accept a little help to accentuate what you already have and bring out that extra sparkle."
  • "I think it's hilarious that people think that I've the best eyebrows in Hollywood."
  • "In the end when you accept yourself for who you are and you work with what you've got, you couldn't be more beautiful because you're confident and everyone notices."
  • "I do believe in listening to your mind as well that that you need to be smart about certain things, to protect yourself. You need a healthy mix of both really, but it's important not to think so much that you're not able to follow your heart."
  • "I don't ever want to get bored with all this. I want to stay excited and enchanted by everything."
  • "My modern day role model would have to be Meryl Streep. Someone, again, who just is who she is. She embodies everything beautiful about a woman and doesn't change herself for anybody. I respect that so much."
  • "Decisions are the endless uncertainties of life that we'll not know if they're right until the very end, so do the best you can and hope it's right."
  • "As for soulmates, I think when you connect with someone, there's a reason you're connecting with them."
  • "I'd like to one day be able to raise a family as well as have my career."
  • "When your whole being is attracted to someone else's whole being, then I think that is someone you were meant to be connected with at some point."
  • "When you truly feel like "Hey, this is the best I can be because this is me," you smile and you attract people because of the energy you're giving off. And it's all about believing in yourself."
  • "My mother always told me that it's the odd little things that make you different and allow you to stand out. I think it's all based on this. Keeping this in mind really helps you be more at ease."
  • "Fashion is a beautiful thing, but I don't let it dictate what I'm going to wear."
apr 5 2014 ∞
aug 9 2014 +