reverse chronological
- (20160802-20160811) europe (london, paris): kelly and alec
- (201604__-201604__) nyc: stephannie!
- (20150622-20150712) china (shanghai, yangzhou) and tokyo
- (201501-201412) nyc: holidays + kai
- (201408) chicago: visiting alec!
- (201406) nyc: met and polina semionova!
- (201207-201206) china (shanghai, beijing), tokyo, hakone
- (20111220-20111230) la and las vegas
- (20100822-20100829) orlando (hp world!!)
- (201008) nyc: a. mcqueen, harry potter the exhibit, parsons
- (20090819-20090828) maine and canada (quebec, montreal)
- (200708) orlando
jan 15 2015 ∞
dec 7 2016 +