Under a full super sugar moon on the spring equinox, for my birthday I recieved...
- 1 new pair of earrings.
- 2 quartz crystal pyramids.
- 3 different types of herbs.
- 3 face masks.
- 5 crystals. (Including clear quartz and amethyst)
- 30 dollar iTunes gift card.
- 50 dollar Indigo gift card.
- Yardley Lavender eau de toilette.
- Yardley Lavender body wash.
- Yardley Lavender moisturizer.
- Ritual candles in every colour.
- "Escaping Harry Houdini" by Kerri Maniscalco.
- Lots of birthday wishes and messages. ♥
Before and Following That Day, I Recieved...
- 2 bottles of red wine.
- A drawing from my boyfriend.
- New laptop computer.
- (Two weeks before, my beloved four-year-old computer John finally perished - and I need one for school! :o)
- This one's name is Sansa.
- Bath products.
- Earrings.
- A card from a school friend.
- Silver and crystal necklace.
- "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman.