• a pirate: bit daft but hardworking. probably spent more time in the galley eating than anything else.
  • a lost boy: strangely quiet with dirty blonde hair and big mischievous blue eyes. the most evil smirk you've seen on a little boy. loyal to peter, through and through.
  • a rabbit: probably a lazy bunny that was more fond of lettuce than carrots.
  • the doctor's companion: advocate for stopping to get chips and a traveller at heart. bit of an idiot that has to be told twice not to touch something but completely immersed and in love with traveling space and time.
  • a cellist: perhaps involved in avant-garde jazz. living with a friend who also played, in a tiny two room flat. definitely a home full of love and music. also, hated coffee.
  • a narnian: most likely a mouse, with a big heart and lively spirit. "unlike the other talking animals, mice did not gain the gift of speech during narnia's creation. instead they were given it as a gift for their kindness."
jun 4 2011 ∞
dec 5 2013 +