General Description

  • Average 3/2 is the prototypical sales personality. The threeish desire to be admired is stronger than the twoish desire to please others, so it is more important to them that they look good than that they make others feel good, although they will do both if they can. Unlike the more withdrawn 3/4, they want to reach the largest possible audience. Threeish, mainstream attractiveness is flavored by twoish seductiveness, rather than fourish uniqueness.

Balanced and Transcendent States

  • Healthy 3/2 loses the false polish and becomes more real. The vanity of three turns into genuine self-observation, and the seductive pride of two turns into appropriate humility. Balanced 3/2s are friendly and personable people whose natural social skills help others feel comfortable. They find a new kind of pleasure at playing without always having to win, although of course they can still choose to be competitive when it's appropriate. Genuine feelings emerge and are given expression as two integrates to four, while three going to six provides a sense of belonging that builds powerful bonds of friendship.
  • Further 3/2 integration leads to an astonishing ability to generate enthusiastic optimism and self-confidence in others. Highly evolved 3/2 is usually an expert motivational speaker, and often takes advantage of that skill. The uplifting message is delivered with style and power, zooming right to the heart of the listener, where the magic of positive thinking can begin. These are the teachers who bring us to our feet shouting and jumping for joy, eager to take the reins of our life and charge onward into the future.

Unbalanced and Unhealthy States

  • Unbalanced 3/2s become trapped by the vain desire to be admired and attractive. They begin to hide more and more behind their false emotional facade. Trying ever harder to show the emotional states they think others think they should show, they get further out of touch with whatever real emotions are being ignored. The anger and pushiness from the two-wing's disintegration to eight combine with the three's nineish emotional deadening, for a kind of hostile self-promotion than can be most annoying.
  • If 3/2s lose touch still further, eightish anger at the world is the only emotion that is strong enough to penetrate the cotton wall of nineish deadness. In a peculiar, zombielike state, the most horrible atrocities might be committed. Sometimes extremely unbalanced 3/2s are nice-seeming, quiet people who just happen to be mass-murderers or serial rapists. See who brought you to ruin! I am the one.

Physical Appearance

  • 3/2s usually want to be well-dressed, according to the top fashion of whatever social group they belong to. Their clothing is well-chosen and reflects the mainstream, not the fringes of fashion. They seldom let themselves become overweight. Makeup and jewelery are always well within the norms of their largest audience. Note, however, that some audiences like excess, and threes who are addressing such groups will meet their expectations. 3/2s possess a calm, cheerful social manner, always trying to show the best side. They want you to feel that they are emotionally together even if they aren't.


  • Some 3/2s find work that puts them on display in a glamorous way. Actors, singers, football players. Others follow their ambition into the business world, becoming executives, salespeople, managers, or advertising agents. They might be motivational speakers, models, game show hosts, or newscasters. There are 3/2 DJs, politicians, and image consultants. Of course, 3/2s can also be found doing many other kinds of work.


  • You need to be the best at whatever you do. You love the sound of applause and the accolades that are given for a job well done. You also need people to praise and acknowledge your achievements. Looking successful in someone else’s eyes is what motivates you to push yourself harder and accomplish more. Always one to seek attention through your personal achievements, it is difficult for you to relax, stop being the peacock and become part of the herd.


  • You avoid failure, nothingness, being second best or appearing like you cannot accomplish what is expected of you.You may repress or swallow your emotions, seeing them as speed bumps that slow you down on the way to reaching your goals. This can cause your emotions to come up and surprise you at unexpected times. Because you have a tendency to mistake what you do for who you are, you can become a human “doing” instead of a human being. You can become anxious and fearful that your carefully crafted image of the successful, on the go, efficient ‘doer’ might be unmasked.


  • A true taskmaster, your virtue is your veracity and sense of industry. Self-confident, energetic, positive and enthusiastic, you generally excel at and reach whatever goal you set. Your efficiency makes you an overachiever who can accomplish a great deal. Often you are the model of success, and you have a natural ability to motivate and charm others. You love the natural high that the feeling of success can give and enjoy teaching others how to thrive and achieve their own goals. You are able to help others see what they need to do to polish their image and put their best foot forward.


  • Your vice is vanity. You have a tendency to be overly self-promoting. You can confuse your image with who you really are, engaging in a form self-deception. As you push harder and harder to complete tasks, you may even appear robot-like because you have begun treating yourself like a machine. Trying to stand out and be number one can be exhausting for you. It can also be hard to ask for help or pay attention to your deeper feelings. You may feel like you always have to greet the world with a smile so that people will smile at you. You also want others to admire you and tell you that you have done a good job.


  • Your attention goes to performance, prestige and seeking status for approval. Hyper focused on your audience, you adapt to the expectations of others. You want to be the very image of success where ever you are and whatever you do.

Spiritual Path

  • Your spiritual journey is to reclaim your sense of honesty and restore your hope. Remember that everyone loves a performer– while they are performing– but this is not the kind of love that lasts. Your spiritual growth will come when you learn to be authentic and be true to the moment.


  • You are a human being, not a human doing, and you are loved for yourself and not for your accomplishments. Remember that when you feel efficient and robotic, you have lost touch with your heart.
jul 14 2013 ∞
jul 16 2013 +