Your Existing Situation

  • Searching for a close bond with others which are accepting and kind. Needs a safe, peaceful atmosphere.

Your Stress Sources

  • Unfulfilled hopes have lead her to be cautious and mistrusting. Insists she have full control over her actions and will not let anything hold her back or stand in her way. Unwilling to give up or surrender anything and demands a promise of safety against future setbacks or loss of status. Has no hope that things will get better in the future and this negative attitude lead her to make impossible demands and refuses to come to any sort of agreement.

Your Restrained Characteristics

  • Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.
  • Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended, which leaves her feeling isolated.
  • Her confidence is low but she is unable to admit that is the reason for her avoidance of conflict. Feels it is a situation out of her control and she is making the best of it.
  • Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic and sticks to them stubbornly, even though circumstances are forcing her to compromise. Very precise in the qualities she seeks in a partner.
  • Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective

  • Lives life to the fullest. Has a high energy level and is always on the go. she is very active and her actions often lead to success.

Your Actual Problem

  • Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave her feeling the same way. Looking for friendly, pleasant relationships with others, who will further develop her intellect. Feels her current relationships are empty and holding her back. Reacting with an intense desire to become involved in various activities aimed at achieving her goals.

Your Actual Problem #2

  • Fights resistance or limitations, and insists she is free to develop in her own way. Rewarded by accomplishing things on her own, with little to no help from others.
jul 14 2013 ∞
jul 16 2013 +