describe : what do i see?
- landscape, portrait, people, still, animals, religious, historic...
- foreground/background
- time of day, season
- place or setting / inside or outside
- abstract / realistic
- horizontal / vertical
- old vs. modern vs. contemporary
- action - what is going on?
- story?
analyze: how is the work organized?
- elements of art: line, color, value, texture, form, space
- principles of design: contrast, emphasis, rhythm, pattern, movement, balance, unity, repetition
- how do the elements and principles of design work together?
- how does the artist use the elements and principles to get your attention?
- what is the composition?
interpret : what is happening?
- it is about...
- it makes me think about...
- the artist is saying...
- mood and feeling: calm, violent, sad, joyful, angry, hopeful, scared, etc
- the artist wants you to see...
- the artist wants you to think about...
- this reminds me of...
- i want to know...
- if i could ask the artist a question, i would ask...
- what are the symbols, metaphors, meaning and context?
- what is the relationships between all the individual parts of the work?
judge: what do i think about this?
- the best part of the work is...
- the strenghts of the work are...
- the weaknessses of the work are...
- the artist communicates ideas by...
- i learned...
- i like... because...
- i dislike... because...
- i would or wouldn't choose to have this because...
- other people should know about this because...
- this work has survived the test of time because...
- whydo different people see and understand this piece differently?
- does it have a small or wide range?
- is it repetitive?
- does it sound aggressive, sad, happy, gentle...
- is the melody smooth (legato) or jumpy (staccato)
- does any instrument dominate the song?
- what instruments can you hear?
- are any instruments using special effects?
- are there any unusual instruments?
- regular or irregular? even or dotted? syncopated? repetitive?
- performed by drum kit/percussion, bass or other?
- is it an ostinato?
- is it used to create an ethnic style?
- is it steady or changing?
- how fast is the beat?
- is the volume consistent throughout?
- if the volume changes, where does it change?
- does the drop in dynamics add to the interpretation of the song?
- is it a thin or thick texture?
- monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic
- does the texture change during the song?