• July 24, 2015, thirteen minutes after two in the morning (Eastern Time): It's been much too long since I archived one of these vignettes. Tomorrow is my last day at my job. I'm transferring to a full-time position at another store on Monday. I'm a little nervous and excited, but mostly I'm resigned. It seems unbelievable that this many months down the road I still do not have a job using my degree. An interview looms two weeks out, however, so there is, perhaps, a light at the end of the tunnel. For now I lie in the guest room bed (much cooler than my room), reading trashy romance on my mac. So many upcoming changes.
  • November 13, 2014, two minutes after ten in the morning (Central Time): Sitting in my sister's bed after yesterday's spontaneous road trip to Bama. Being here is stranger than I thought it would be. I lived here for five years; I've only been gone for six months. Just tried my first coffee with Bailey's creamer and I can tell already it only took one shot for me to get hardcore addicted. Meg is in the bathroom braiding her hair, getting ready for class. We may go see a movie today, maybe even two. We have a lot of movie going to catch up on. And Bento for sure. I've had sushi once in six months and that is just not okay. So many things have changed or been built since I left. The strangest part of being back here is that it is, in fact, strange. This was my home. And now it's... other.
  • November 3, 2014, twenty-five minutes till eleven at night: Lying in the bed in the dark. My lymph nodes are swollen, my nose runny, my throat dry and sore. I've run myself into the ground with too little sleep for the number of hours I've been putting in at work. I love my job; I love the people especially. I had a morning shift today, so right now my favorite thing is not having to set an alarm for tomorrow. I'm closing, so I'll be tired on the back end, rather than the front. It's stuffy in my room, a sharp contrast from the cold and crispness outside. I can't wait for winter to be here in earnest. Though, if I know myself at all, I'll be over the cold extremely quickly. My stomach's growling. But in the epic, timeless battle between hungry and lazy, food vs. bed, bed will win tonight.
  • October 23, 2014, quarter after ten in the morning: Still in bed, though I've been awake for nearly two hours. Crick in my shoulder from over an hour of typing while lying on my side. The shades are still pulled, so the room is deceptively dark. I think the rain from yesterday has passed completely now and its bright and crisp. I keep waffling back and forth between reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater, and obsessing about my job which I love (even when I have suck-tastic days like yesterday), but also there's a guy who works in receiving who I am totally obsessed with ((butterflies and the whole thing)) even though I don't even know his last name. My stomach is starting to growl and I need to put on pants and venture down to the kitchen.
  • October 17, 2014, quarter after midnight: Lying in my new (and much taller bed), low light and burning my mahogany teakwood candle. Sexy Man scent all around. Flipping between two books, the seventh Kate Daniels novel [bad ass, magical, female mercenary, post-magical apocalypse Atlanta, brooding alpha werelion, and an eclectic menagerie of paranormal supporting cast] and the second Maya Banks Breathless novel [controlling, sexist, male lead physically, emotionally, and mentally dominating and manipulating an oh-so-fragile-and-submissive female a la Fifty Shades]. Contemplating leaping out the window for even attempting to read the latter. I need sleep tonight. I'm obviously deprived.
  • October 8, 2014, ten till eleven at night: Curled up in the leather recliner in the family room, watching the new Criminal Minds episode with my mom. Just finished a piece of caramel pie that I baked myself. Baking is becoming my new and unlikely hobby (:chocolate chip and chunk cookies, Mrs. Helen's Chocolate Cake, caramel pie, and soon, cherry pineapple dump cake). My toes are ice cubes, but I'm loving it because it's finally cooling down. I'm obsessed with experiencing real fall for the first time since I left for Bama, five years ago. The season premiere of Arrow went off almost two hours ago and I've already watched it twice and keep thinking about it. I'm so in love with Olicity and it's breaking my heart. “Don't ask me to say, 'I don't love you.'”
  • September 31, 2014, twenty till ten at night: Eyes are stinging as I put off sleep, lying in bed, the only light coming from the lamp on the bedside table. Scraps from the roast/corn/egg noodles alfredo dinner on the tray next to me. Listening to Sam sing Stay with Me on repeat. Sipping decaf sweet tea so I don't stay up till 3am for the third night in a row. Just finished the last "claylena" book from the women of the Women of the Otherworld series so now I'm set adrift. Awaiting book series withdrawals to commence immediately. The new job is actually enjoyable. But hallelujah for two days off between shifts.
  • September 26, 2014, approximately half past three: Sitting in the comfy living room chair, the windows open and the breeze bringing the sunshine in. Sipping from a coffee stirrer the last dregs of my cooled macadamia nut cookie coffee and facetiming with my sister ten states away. Discussing the merits of Taylor Swift's new all-pop album. Mentally debating whether The Princess Bride or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button should be the DVD to deflower my new (-ish, 5 weeks old) macbook pro. Wearing hand-me-down, worn out pajama bottoms and bare feet, no makeup and messy bun, and mourning my last day of freedom. Tomorrow begins my new, nearly minimum wage soul-sucker. Adieu, liberté.
sep 26 2014 ∞
jul 24 2015 +