- what's in my bag
- who i'd invite to a dinner party
- typefaces (favorite/least favorite)
- alt careers
- regrets
- airports i've been to
- pet peeves
- broadway shows
- favorite artists
- future pet names
- things i like/dislike a-z
- favorite video games
- things i wanted to be when i grew up
- tattoos/ piercings I want and have
from http://www.flickr.com/groups/1359120@N22/discuss/72157623190762216/
- websites I visit most often
- the pets i've had and their names
- famous people i've encountered
- the ways i've changed since my teens
- best days of my life
- biggest regrets
- places i have lived
- favorite magazines
lists from http://scrapbooklady.typepad.com/katie_the_scrapbook_lady/2011/11/eleven-lists-on-111111.html