
  • stop typing so much because ohmygod is that going to hurt later.
  • it turns out that talking to boys is, in fact, a prerequisite to having a boyfriend.
  • some of your mood swings are part of being sixteen. some of them aren't. someday medication will help, and maybe it's for the best that you aren't taking it yet.
  • keep reading fiction, because you won't be able to stand it in ten years.
  • don't worry, you will get accepted to college. not your first choice, but it'll turn out okay.
  • you will have more boyfriends than you ever thought. most of them won't be like the one in your head; some will be better.
  • spending your life alone is just one option, not something you'll be stuck with forever.
  • that thing everyone keeps saying, that your mom is not going to change but you can change the way you respond? turns out that's true.
  • no one after college admissions cares about your GPA or how many honors classes you took.
  • some people are just not destined to know what they want to do when they grow up.
  • it is going to be okay, honey. it is going to be so much better than okay.
apr 1 2012 ∞
jun 24 2013 +