• learn yoga.
  • learn a martial art that would give me, however tiny i am, the ability to kick ass.
  • be able to open jars without screaming in pain.
  • learn to sew.
  • acquire something to wear to ren faires.
  • speak fluent german.
  • speak basic slovak.
  • find a job that doesn't steal my soul.
  • read the books i got for my birthday. (i have no idea which books these were. i'm assuming this happened at some point.)
  • have cats. (cat, singular.)
  • learn to fix things around the house.
  • learn to fix my own car.
  • have the nerve to sing in front of people whilst sober. (better...)
  • graduate.
  • move to the southwest. (moved to the northwest instead.)
  • go through an entire winter without being paralyzed. (hooray for antidepressants.)
  • get married. (next year!)
  • get a tattoo.
  • more cartilage piercings. possibly a nostril. (nostril.)
  • see all of the fifty states. (closer...)
  • go to australia.
  • and england.
  • go on a cruise.
  • learn to drive stick.
  • give birth.
  • go to a protest. (march for women's rights, 2004)
  • stop being afraid of social events.
  • go vegetarian again, at least mostly.
  • learn to cook more than lentil soup.
  • acquire the motivation to cook.
  • be able to play c.p.e. bach's "solfeggietto".
  • be able to play it allegro vivace.
  • be able to play more than "chopsticks" from memory.
  • learn to play guitar.
  • remember how to write.
mar 28 2011 ∞
jan 18 2012 +