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  • A red-headed boy insistently tried to get me to take a Ziploc bag full of Cheerios from him. I refused. It was just weird.
  • Three young girls talking in fake British accents, claiming to be my friend Byron's sisters. Byron is black. They were all white. They acted a bit like cats.
  • In Detroit, upon approaching a pigeon in a park, a sketchy, dirty homeless man yelled at my friend Dylan, "Leave that bird alone!" We laughed. Dylan laughed too, but in a nervous, shaken way.
  • A stranger walked up silently behind me while I was getting my lunch at school and ran his hand down my back, humming quietly.
  • Sitting in the passenger seat of a car stuck at a stoplight, I noticed a boy in the window of the bus next to me. He was blowing kisses at me and making a heart shape with his fingers.
  • I was tackled by a mob of kids holding "Free Hugs" signs. Getting groped by about 8 strangers at once was a bit overwhelming.
  • She wasn't a total stranger, but it was still unexpected. She reached over and took a big scoop of my applesauce. She didn't ask. Just went for it.
jan 23 2012 ∞
jun 15 2014 +