This one is all about hat i love according to smell, touch/feel, taste, hear, see (not a comprehensive list...obviously)
- homemade chicken noodle soup
- green apples
- fresh pears
- fresh cucumbers
- pumpkin pie
- strawberries (chocolate covered or otherwise)
- raspberries
- black berries
- asci
- bacon
- cilantro
- sausages
- peppermint
- gravy
- fresh baked bread
- mexican food
- italian food
- oranges
- lemonade
- orange juice
- popcorn
- pizza
- pineapple
- salted caramel
- peaches
- barbe-que
- cum
- a mans penis
- a mans balls
- pink starburst
- frozen grapes
- swedish fish
- nutella
- hazel nuts
- hazelnut chocolate
- garlic cream cheese
- cheddar cheese
- cheese burgers
- mashed potatos and gravy
- french fries and ranch
- beef jerkey
- turkey jerkey
- chicken strips
- kiwi
- ice cream cake
- oreos and milk
- peanut butter
- soy sauce and chinese food
- dill pickles
- broccoli and cheese
- macaroni
- eggs
- canada dry ginger ale
- jolly ranchers
- basil
- garlic butter
- rice pudding
- cinnamon
- arugla
- pesto sauce
- spumoni
- gelato
- snicker doodles
- peanut butter cookies
- french onion soup
- pot roast
- garlic mashed potatoes
- red vines
- sweet tasting champagne
- sweet white wine
- pear cider
- sushi
- sour patch kids
- cheesy pretzels
- cashews
- haribo gold bears
- swedesh fish
- flavor full grilled fish
- oat meal
- pomegranets
- grilled chicken
- cesar salad
- pesto
- itilian pasta salad
- carne asada
- pho
- pico de gallo
- stuffing
- country fried chicken and gravy
- omelettes
- olives (black, green, or stuffed)
- lemon drop
- appletini
- sex on the beach
- gin and tonic (with both lemon and lime)
- cosmopolotins
- mai tai
- margaritas
- straberry daquari
- mojito
- mimosa