just a few of the things people do that bug the poop outta me
- people drinking soda in the morning
- when people suck their teeth
- flaky people
- changing plans at the last minute
- hypocrites
- when people dont use their turn signal
- people who talk or listen to loud music in a quiet zone
- people who dont control their kids
- People who dont silence their cell phones during class or at the movies
- people who ramble on and on and don't get to the point quickly
- when people chew their food with their mouths open
- people trying to talk to me / get my attention when i'm obviously preoccupied with something or someone else
- people who cough or sneeze into their hands
- someone pulling out my ear phones when i'm listening to music
- someone pausing or turning off my music while i'm enjoying it
- someone turning off the tv or a movie while i'm watching it
- not knocking on my closed bedroom door before entering
- knocking once and then just barging in my room before i get a chance to say come in
- calling me over and over constantly when i don't answer
- texting me constantly when i say i'm busy
- someone telling me theyll pick me up at a certain time and then they are late while ive been ready and waiting
- someone making me lat for work, apt, class, etc. cause they weren't ready / prepared
- people who don't pick up their area when they know other people will be using it after them
- getting a gift i said i didn't want / need
- opening my bedroom door and then not closing it when you leave
- someone taking my seat i've been sitting in everyday since the beginning of the semester and now its near the middle/ end. Why must you do that?
- someone changing the song when i'm really enjoying it
- people talking to me or asking me questions while i'm on the phone with someone else
- people who are eating a lot of stuff and don't offer any to share to anyone
- people who feel the need to flaunt their possessions to prove how wealthy they are
- someone turning my light on really early in the morning causing me to wake up
- people being really loud in the morning causing me to wake up
- when i tell the truth and people still think i'm lying
- not saying please and thank you
- not using your manners
- disrespecting your teacher
- disrespecting older people than yourself unless they disrespect you first
feb 1 2011 ∞
feb 1 2011 +