so I'm trying out this thing where I try seeing things in a more positive light, and so especially when I'm having a really shitty day like this one, I'll try to find at least 5 positive things, however small, about it. then I'll write them down here and try to focus on them rather than all the bad stuff.

  • I decided to enroll in either a psychology or some language course outside of school, got the papers today and I'm really excited
  • I went to the health center again and this whole taking action thing feels really empowering - I'm finally doing something about my problems
  • new episodes of awesome shows aired last night, which means I can watch them today
  • found out we don't have school on Monday
  • I'm actually managing to go to bed early, which means I have time to sleep!
aug 22 2012 ∞
sep 5 2012 +