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  • Best way to make me lose any respect I ever had for you: be a loud, intolerant asshole. Nice job M, mission accomplished.
  • I feel connected in ways I never do and always wish I did.
  • I'm here now, ready, all set and good to go -- all there's left to do is grow
  • Simple things are easy to love. There's nothing bad about that.
  • Scented candles and serenity along with pen and paper. Everything I need for happiness.
  • I faced a fear today -- an inevitable one and with the assistance of mild medication, but faced it nevertheless. I don't feel I deserve to be especially proud, but I am damn relieved.
  • A day full of scissor cuts, dry hands and terrible hunger -- and quite a good one too.
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  • Floorball is definitely my sport. Too bad I'm not that good at it (and my friends hate it). Also, this is a Moment: the first day I ever slept in so late that I missed school (an hour), and the first time I ever went to an extra gym class that I don't have to take, just for fun (because floorball). I feel great.
  • I ran into an old friend today - a year passed and not much has changed - except for you and the color of my hair. And this I didn't tell her, but the way I spend my days.
  • More old friends it seems -- just this once I dare to have high hopes. Better not be a letdown.
  • Surprising yourself with a little energy, enthusiasm and daring, it's always amazing. Especially when at the end of the day you can only smile at how great a weekend you just had.
  • The rain soaks my hair and splatters on my window, but there's no way I'm letting it into my heart.
  • "he left me high and dry without so much as a goodbye - drove away at 5 in the morning before i woke up - a day after he called in the middle of the night..."
  • This may be the one and only way in which I'm "stuck in the 80s" -- there is nothing better in the world than mixtapes. Receiving one, making one, whatever. Even if at this point it's more likely to be a list of songs on the computer screen -- but one of these days someone will receive a mix in physical form from me. Even if it's cheesy.
  • A good day starts with a single, small event. Sometimes it's all you need -- the mood just sticks.
  • Everything is better if you look good doing it (and without compromising comfort!). The day has finally come -- I'm super excited about buying running clothes! Now there's nothing standing between me and running anymore... Oh crap.
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  • Exhausted and restless, the worst possible combination.
  • I've thought about it once or twice but it still doesn't seem like the right time.
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  • I killed someone in a dream. This may be the first time ever. And the freaky part is, the whole dream is getting fuzzier as the day goes on but I still remember that 'scene' distinctly -- him running towards me, my 'weapon of choice' (and how I found it), the fucking places I stabbed him and how many times, and how I was disgusted by having to do it but super relieved. All of it.
  • Sleeping with ghosts and dancing with memories.
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  • I have always felt caught between two worlds, and neither of them is as fun as I and the world make it out to be.
apr 1 2013 ∞
may 2 2013 +