likes : 2019 movie promare, orange soda, orange colored snacks, seals, ferrets, guinea pigs, orcas, dolphins, cephalopods, deer, mice, mango flavored drinks,the color blue, drawing, talking about ocs, being an ipad baby, yapping, bong rips, steel reserve beer, peach wine, stuffed animals, figure collecting,old mcdonalds merchandise, aquariums, electronic music, girl rap, dad rock, falling asleep in the car, falling asleep with the fan on, online shopping, lps, thrifting clothes, shoes, toys, making collage, stickers, calico cats, ginger ale, fried cheesecake, manatees, loud music in the car, laughing fits, my 3ds, biting people, pickles 💘

dislikes : judgemental ass bitches, ableds, ableists, people who are wrong, stairs, sour candy, fake ass bitches, chronically online ass bitches, feeling embarrassed, no beer in the house, being alone, feeling sweaty, unwashed hair, shirt too big it creat...

jun 15 2020 ∞
jun 3 2024 +