• "Não aja como se eu não tivesse brigado por você."
  • "Bem, se você poderia acusar alguém de ser francamente mal, seria ele."
  • "Há várias respostas possíveis para essa pergunta."
  • “History is moving pretty quickly these days and the heroes and villains keep on changing parts.”
  • "Ela era minha única chance."
  • "How fascinating it is that there are millions of people all over the world who are wide awake at 4 am missing someone. And there are millions of people sound asleep at 4 am, with no idea that they’re being missed."
  • "I was afraid to be alone, but now I’m scared that’s how I like to be."
  • "i love you—i do— but i am afraid of making that love too important. because you’re always going to leave me. we can’t deny it. you’re always going to leave."
  • Heaven or hell is a thought away. Choose wisely."
  • You don’t have to sacrifice your sanity because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. You don’t have to be controlled by your own kindness. You can be a good person without bending to the will of those who damage you with their own selfishness. You deserve to be happy.
  • "daqui a pouco ela vai me acusar de colocar sal no oceano"
  • "I'm getting bad again but I’m too tired to care."
  • "You have a couple of scars, and a couple of bad memories, but then again all great heros do."
  • I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons"
  • "I really believe satan works his hardest in the places where god in the strongest"
  • "É tão raro te ver sem palavras. Acho que vou gostar desse processo"
  • "É incrível, você parece com uma pessoa normal mas na verdade é o anjo da morte"
  • "É importante para o seu futuro que você não termine essa frase"
  • I know life is unfair but this is fucking ridiculous"
  • "One day someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else"
  • "I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it"
  • "the way you make it no one can make it like you do"
  • "Sometimes you have to let people go because they are toxic to you. Let them go because they take and take and leave you empty. Let them go because in the ocean of life when all you're trying to do is stay afloat and they are the anchor that's drowning you."
  • "Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave you will finally understand why storms are named after people."
  • "I have buried you in every place I’ve been. You keep ending up in my shaking hands."
  • "Will I be something? / Am I something? / And the answer comes: / You already are. / You always were. / And you still have time to be."
oct 28 2014 ∞
dec 27 2017 +