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Lists are my favorite, so I was so happy to discover a place to keep all my lists. Life is short. It's also a garden; dig it. It's also beautiful.

listography NEW NEWS
  • start reading a book/journaling at like 11...
  • be consistent about what time of day you wake up and go to sleep. Seriously. NO, REALLY!
  • Probs pick 8:00. That way you just get up when Karen gets up and you don't have to feel guilty about playing music for an alarm (except on Fridays)
  • as soon as the alarm goes off, do some child's pose (and other yogas) to stretch and get the blood flowing
  • have a routine!

- wake up, yoga stretch, pee - eat cereal and pray morning prayer while the milk settles in your tummy - drink the milk and rinse your bowl - brush teeth/get dressed - pack a lunch - walk to work?

  • don't hit snooze! be heroic! offer it up! (St Josemaria Escriva)
  • work out first thing in the mornings?
  • sleep with planner on bedside table to reference in the morning (to not sleep through important meetings)
  • smoothies, smoothies, smoothies! yummoz bbz
  • figure out a way to look forward to the morning.......... #lawdhelpme

You know what, just forget it. It'll never happen.

oct 14 2015 ∞
oct 14 2015 +