- chinese astrology
- western astrology
- ↑ scorpio
- ☀ taurus
- ☾ pisces
- colorscope ☆
- intensity: The personality is surrounded by a very powerful field. You see the world as a place to master.
- sensuality: You are of the earth and firmly set on the physical plane, whether basking in the garden of earthly delights or out conquering the world. Here is both the sensualist and purposeful achiever. You live your life through the immediacy of the five senses. There is a love of all things beautiful so the desire for pleasure and acquisition is strong. As much as green is the color of springtime and continual renewal, you are not comfortable with change. Rather, you have great reserves of strength in order to acquire or preserve what you value. An ingrained determination counteracts a lazy or passive streak. Diligent and persistent, you plod along usually in a traditional or conservative way until you reach your goal.
- compassionate heart: The personality is enhanced by a finely tuned intuition and sensitivity. At the center of the personality is imagination emerging from higher consciousness.
- moral alignment
- hogwarts house
- doubotsu uranai ☆
jan 22 2019 ∞
mar 10 2021 +