from landshark @ Emptees:

  • you get back what you put forth.
  • in a critique keep a cool head, if someone whose work isn't by most standards better than yours gives you ideas still listen and consider them.
  • experiment with your work based on what students and faculty say, if they say "i want to see this done bigger" or "use more colors." try that out, because essentially you are paying for the experience to experiment under those that hopefully know a thing or two.
  • find out if any teachers let students have free reign to the supply closet and if so figure out a way to loot, loot, loot.
  • work, work, work. find a certain time of the day that you do work best and do it at that time EVERYDAY (even christmas). I personally get up every morning at 7:30 and start work at 8 and go 'til Noon (i write though, but essentially the same thing).
  • make good choices. smoke your blunts and drink your whisky and beers if that's your thing, but don't ever make that the choice over finishing or working on a project. (drugs may help a few artists but truth be told you'll witness more talent fade than prosper from this at school)
  • go to the library. i repeat go to the library. this is something 90 percent of students refuse to do. this is the most wasted resource today on campuses. go to the stack of big books, with all the prints of famous artists, graphic design books, and look at whats printed and reflect how your work ties into and how it doesn't. i personally went to the library once a week, every sunday afternoon, think of it as your church.
  • collaborate. do a project or two with other students. they may have a couple of tricks to do things you can learn, and a few to share.
  • go to outside discussions. teachers will require you to go to some of the artist lectures and some won't. go to all that you can, you'll learn a lot here, sometimes more than in the classroom. i myself didn't go to them for the first few years, mistake.
  • surround yourself with the most talented, either teachers or students. if you're struggling or not doing good work you'll at least be surrounded by it. this is why so many people on this site improve, when surrounded by talent you can't do anything but improve.
jul 24 2008 ∞
jul 24 2008 +