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※ Everything you need to learn and stan SNH48GROUP: SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48, CKG48 ※


✽ If you find a problem within this guide please alert me at @snh48videos or @48archive on Instagram. ✽

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What is BEJ48?

  • BEJ48 is a Chinese idol group and is one of SNH48's first sister groups to be formed, debuting alongside with GNZ48. The group has their own theater in Beijing, China, where they are based. The concept of BEJ48 is to have "idols you can meet", where the group features 100+ female members who perform daily in the group's own theater and interact with fans: handshake events (located in the city they were crea...
may 16 2018 ∞
may 21 2018 +
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  • Also known as SHENYANG48, SHY
  • Teams:
    • Promoting: SIII, HIII
    • SHY48 currently has no Kenkyuusei

What is SHY48?

  • SHY48 is a Chinese idol group and is SNH48's third sister group. The group has their own theater in Shenyang, China, where they are based. The concept of SHY48 is to have "idols you can meet", where the group features 100+ female members who perform daily in the group's own theater and interact with fans: handshake events (located in the city they were created--in this case in Shenyang, China), frequent Pocket48 lives, and more.


may 16 2018 ∞
may 21 2018 +

GO HERE to download all of SNH48GROUP songs. You will find MP3/M4A files availble to download. I only know how to download them into iTunes so if you have an Apple device, on the link it goes to a google drive with all the files including a document file that is a tutorial on how to download the files into you iTunes and sync your library across devices. You need a laptop/desktop , handheld Apple device (e.g. iPhone) , and a Apple compatible charger cord . If you are having trouble DM me on Instagram at @snh48videos or @48archive.

sep 26 2018 ∞
sep 26 2018 +
may 16 2018 ∞
may 20 2018 +
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What is SNH48?

  • SNH48 is a Chinese idol group and was formerly the third international sister group of AKB48, a Japanese idol group. The group has their own theater in Shanghai, China, where they are based. The concept of SNH48 is to have "idols you can meet", where the group features 100+ female members who perform daily in the group's own t...
may 16 2018 ∞
may 21 2018 +
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What is GNZ48?

  • GNZ48 is a Chinese idol group and is one of SNH48's first sister groups, debuting alongside with BEJ48. The group has their own theater in Guangzhou, China, where they are based. The concept of GNZ48 is to have "idols you can meet", where the group features 100+ female members who perform daily in the group's own theater and interact with fans: handshake events (located in the city they were created--in thi...
may 16 2018 ∞
may 21 2018 +
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  • Also known as CHUNGKING48, CHONGQING48, CKG
    • CKG48 is the first SNH48 GROUP to have its' abbreviation be based on the romanization name of its' city-Chungking (romanization) instead of Chongqing (pinyin)
  • Teams:

What is CKG48?

  • CKG48 is a Chinese idol group and is SNH48's fourth sister group. The group has their own theater in Chongqing, China, where they are based. The concept of CKG48 is to have "idols you can meet", where the group features 100+ female members who perform daily in the group's own theater an...
may 16 2018 ∞
may 21 2018 +