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※ Everything you need to learn and stan SNH48GROUP: SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48, CKG48 ※


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  • The term Center is usually used to describe the main member in a single's senbatsu.
  • The 'center' gets center position in the formation of the members, and also gets most media exposure for that single.
  • The term is also used for centers from B-Sides and stage songs.

Concurrent Position:

  • A Concurrent Position (兼任, Kennin) is a position where a member of SNH48, GNZ48, SHY48, or CKG48 becomes a member of two different groups and/or teams at the same time.
  • e.g.
    • Li YuQi is originally in Team SII, now she has a concurrent position in Team FT as well
    • Liu JiongRan is originally in SNH48 Team HII, now she has a concurrent position in CKG48 Team K as well


  • Graduation refers to when a member that leaves their respective group


  • The word Oshimen (推しメン) comes from "oshiteru member" ("The member you support"). It's the term used to describe a fan's favorite member.
  • Even though oshimen generally refers to only one member, many fans have more than one oshimen per group (The favorite member among the oshimen is usually referred as Kami-oshi).


  • The term Oshi (推し) applies to fans.
  • e.g.
    • If a fan's oshimen is Xu JiaQi, they are a JiaQi-oshi.


  • SNH48 and its' sister groups: BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48, CKG48.


  • Each team performs a different theater show, called Stage (舞台 or 公演).
  • Each stage is its' own album worth of material.
  • An hour or more worth of music is performed live at the theater as part of a two-hour show.
    • Waiting Stage:
      • Temporarily stages waiting for a new show.
    • Special Stage:
      • Stages created for special occasions, with songs from different stages, singles, and albums.
    • Revival Stage:
      • When a team performs a past stage again.
    • Shonichi:
      • 初日
      • Opening show of a stage.
    • Senshuuraku:
      • 千秋乐
      • Closing show of a stage.


  • STAR48 (絲芭文化傳媒有限公司 "Siba culture media Ltd." or "SB") is the main agency group and management of SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48, and CKG48.
  • All SNH48 GROUP members are part of STAR48
  • Wang Jing is the owner of the company.
    • She is Wang ZiJie's daughter.
  • Wang ZiJie is the main Producer, CEO, and Founder.


  • Teams (队) are what are used to separate members of SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48 and CKG48 up. By using 'Teams', members can be categorized more easily. Also, instead of the entire group performing a theater show, only one team is assigned to perform. This allows fans to focus on a certain group of members and give the girls days off.
    • Kenkyuusei are sometimes referred to as Team Kenkyuusei, but it is not official.
  • Teams are named after the letters used in their group's name, except for SNH48 Team X, SNH48 Team XII, and SNH48 Team FT.
  • In the case when a Team's name has already been taken up, roman numerals are used to signify which number of letter that team is.
  • e.g.
    • Both SNH48 and GNZ48 have the letter "N" in their names, so instead of forming a Team N in both SNH and GNZ, the SNH team is called Team NII and the GNZ team is called Team NIII

Team Shuffle:

  • A group/team shuffle is where members are often forced to switch to different teams within their group, unfortunately having to leave their group bonds behind and form new ones.
  • It's emotional for the girls, but a tactic management chooses to do for promotional reasons.
  • Some girls are also appointed as new captains of their team whether they've been shuffled into a new team, or remain in their old.
  • It's rare for SNH48GROUP to have a team shuffle, and there has only been one shuffle–SNH48 Team Shuffle, February 2018.

Theater Manager:

  • Each 48 group has it's own theater manager for their respective theaters.
    • SNH48: Zhang Jing

Wang ZiJie:

  • Wang ZiJie (王子杰) is the producer and CEO from the SNH48GROUP

Zan Xiu:

  • Zan Xiu (Hiatus, 暂休, Zàn Xiū) is a group of SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48, or CKG48 members who temporarily ceased their activities from the group due to academic problems, physical problems, contractual problems or personal reasons.
  • They are usually considered graduated members, even though they are still attached to the group because of their contract.
may 16 2018 ∞
may 20 2018 +