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Also, this is my last ditch effort to get organized. Of course, on this website I sound organized. I sound like I have goals. I can assure you, for every part of order in my life, there is an equal amount of chaos.

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  • sky dive.
  • live in NYC.
  • travel across the country.
  • live off the land for two months.
  • make > 50,000 a year.
  • go to South America and meet up with sone shamans.
  • be with the right person.
  • have a house.
  • own a reliable vehicle.
  • get a college education.
  • be trilingual.
  • quit all drugs.
  • get out of my young, partying state of mind.
  • have a boat.
  • get married.
oct 7 2011 ∞
dec 3 2011 +