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Also, this is my last ditch effort to get organized. Of course, on this website I sound organized. I sound like I have goals. I can assure you, for every part of order in my life, there is an equal amount of chaos.

listography GIVE MEMORIES
raph games (2022 - 2025)
films (2025)
notes (Docs)
art (important)
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  • Weekly lists of general plans, happenings, schedules, etc.
  • Movies I watched, sorted by month, with some sort of rating system.
  • Books I read, sorted by month, with some sort of rating system.
  • Daily observations.
  • Workout schedules to be completed.
  • Priority lists of things to buy after I get out of debt.
  • A song a day.

Okay, that's all I can remember at the moment.

oct 29 2011 ∞
dec 3 2011 +