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Guten Morgen! Ich bin Liss, und ich habe schreiben gern.

Bon Matin! Je suis Liss et j'aime écrire.

Good Morning! I am Liss and I like to write. (Obviously, in different languages!)

(Omigosh! :D I had not ever expected to have been featured- thanks for whoever first glanced at my page. ^^ - 12/29/08)

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This is my last season of colorguard after 2 years of it... what are some of the best memories...

  • that buzz you get during a performance, a crawl of coolness across your skin when you know you're being watched.
  • actually feeling the music pull you into a sensuous draw, being swept into the undertow of notes.
  • catching a perfect toss, that HA! feeling when the music bursts and you feel like your heart is slamming 90 miles a second.
  • being part of such a group of being, from all different backgrounds and thoughts and trials, and having a connection with each one that's unique.
  • the injuries that fade but the stories that go with them that don't. "Hey, remember when I got that scar on my back..."
  • spinning everything in your spare time, even without realizing it.
  • the excitement of trying on new uniforms, whether or not you're pleased with them.
  • that plunging despair of a low score or that infinite high with a great one.
  • holding hands with a teammate whilst waiting for the scores to be announced, tense, anxious, only to scream and hug ten seconds later when it's announced we've moved on.
oct 8 2008 ∞
oct 8 2008 +