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Guten Morgen! Ich bin Liss, und ich habe schreiben gern.

Bon Matin! Je suis Liss et j'aime écrire.

Good Morning! I am Liss and I like to write. (Obviously, in different languages!)

(Omigosh! :D I had not ever expected to have been featured- thanks for whoever first glanced at my page. ^^ - 12/29/08)

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Dinge freue ich schon auf...

  • My birthday! ^^ (After - It was awesome!)
  • My birthday party. (After - And it was awesome too!)
  • Spring Break (haha, I'll probably stay home)
  • Winterguard banquet (the last one! -tear-) (After- I got a snuggie with my name on it! :D )
  • Learning what colleges have accepted me, and then which one I'm going to. (After - I know which ones accepted me, I don't know which one I'm going to. :P)
  • Learning whether or not I'm still in the top 25. (After - I AM! Wohooo! This is great! :D )
  • Prom, May 8th! I got my dress and love it to bits and pieces.
  • May 22nd, my first concert (Breaking Benjamin, Nickelback, Shinedown...)
  • GRADUATION!!!!!! June 5, so far away...
mar 16 2010 ∞
jun 5 2010 +