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Guten Morgen! Ich bin Liss, und ich habe schreiben gern.

Bon Matin! Je suis Liss et j'aime écrire.

Good Morning! I am Liss and I like to write. (Obviously, in different languages!)

(Omigosh! :D I had not ever expected to have been featured- thanks for whoever first glanced at my page. ^^ - 12/29/08)

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  • People who are making out in the middle of the hall
  • People who whip around really fast and plow back around instead of doing a U-Turn.
  • People who suddenly stop and do high-fives or body slam in the hall
  • The giant groups of people that gather around the bathrooms and drinking fountains so you can't get to them.
  • The shrieking, screaming laughing girls in the hall that gather in large clusters.
  • The people that don't stick to the right-lane rule.
  • How the lockers line the hall so no one can successfully avoid getting stepped on.
  • People who crowd around lockers so you can't get to it.
jan 27 2009 ∞
feb 3 2009 +