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Guten Morgen! Ich bin Liss, und ich habe schreiben gern.

Bon Matin! Je suis Liss et j'aime écrire.

Good Morning! I am Liss and I like to write. (Obviously, in different languages!)

(Omigosh! :D I had not ever expected to have been featured- thanks for whoever first glanced at my page. ^^ - 12/29/08)

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  • The bookshelf of matching-bound books
    • The Aesop's fables book I read every time I go there as a tradition
  • The kitchen counters- I can never tell what they're made of.
  • The little boxes cut into the wall that have frozen-life scenes in them from the 50's that have never been moved or touched but mysteriously never get dusty.
  • The blue tiling of the kitchen floor.
  • The Virgin Mary clothes hamper (which looks very solemn and holy until you open the little door and see wet towels in there.)
  • The ENORMOUS backyard that sprawls down and then swoops up
    • When I was younger how we'd roll down in the leaves in the fall and come in with huge maples leaves stuck in our hair.
  • The seashell-shaped pool and the slide that comes with it
    • the white sparkly rocks that surround the pool on which I used to crush ants when I was little
    • the white rubbery caulking around the edges that looked like whipped cream.
  • The wall decorations in the family room of nautical things, like the painting covered by the net, shells, wheels, and little boat figurines.
  • The comfy couches with the blue reedy-grass and white background fabric.
  • The long dining room table where countless breakfasts, dinners, and Thanksgivings have graced.
    • The chandelier that slowly goes bright then darkens with the spinning wheel thingie.
  • The book of famous people and quotes said about them that I re-read every time I go there.
  • The city it's in- St. Louis! I love that city.
  • The ping-pong table in the basement- good for agility skills.
  • The wee kitchen in the basement only ever used for Thanksgiving or huge birthday dinners.
  • How 60% of my relatives (on both sides) are within a 15 minute driving distance.
  • The path behind the drooping tree in the front yard that I'd run through and pretend I was a fae.
  • The pink guest room I stay in each time with the four-poster bed that always has pink matching blankets and soft pillows.
  • The food Grandma makes... Italians do it better. ;)
  • The door handle to one of the bathrooms that when you look into it, your face splits in half and looks so eerie that I'd think it led to another dimension.
nov 8 2008 ∞
nov 8 2008 +