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Guten Morgen! Ich bin Liss, und ich habe schreiben gern.

Bon Matin! Je suis Liss et j'aime écrire.

Good Morning! I am Liss and I like to write. (Obviously, in different languages!)

(Omigosh! :D I had not ever expected to have been featured- thanks for whoever first glanced at my page. ^^ - 12/29/08)

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At this point, I don't own a car. During the summer I use my parents and pay for my own gas. My grades keep my insurance low (so in a way I'm working for that, haha.) However, during the school year, living in DC, I don't have a car at all. Parking in DC, especially Georgetown with its narrow cobbled streets and random-ass slopes and hills, is a joke. I use the metro, city bus, and campus bus system, plus the best system of all- walking.

So here are the reasons why I don't want a car and how it'll help me. This is all assuming I love in/near a big city with access to its' public transportation.

  • no need to buy a car. Obvious, but probably the best reason. No car loans, no car payments, no down payment.
  • no insurance payment needed. Also, if you don't have a car, the chance of getting into car accidents is slimmed down just to the chance when you ride with a friend or drive a rental car.
  • no need to pay for gas. With gas prices shooting up and causing harm to the environment. I wouldn't have to anxiously watch gas prices and fill up crazily when it dips 5 cents.
  • not having to search for parking constantly. In Georgetown, the parking is heavily watched and the Meter Maids will jump on it if you stay longer. Money saved on meters and parking tickets!
  • not being asked for rides. I'm glad to help out friends but it cuts down on how much is spent anyway. If I live in the city, I'm assuming that I will have friends that are carless too. If they aren't, I'll keep the asking to a minimum, if at all.
jul 31 2011 ∞
jul 31 2011 +