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Guten Morgen! Ich bin Liss, und ich habe schreiben gern.

Bon Matin! Je suis Liss et j'aime écrire.

Good Morning! I am Liss and I like to write. (Obviously, in different languages!)

(Omigosh! :D I had not ever expected to have been featured- thanks for whoever first glanced at my page. ^^ - 12/29/08)

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Serious Goals

  • XXX4.0 (Or at least no B's at all)XXX (I got all A's except for 1 C+. AGGHHH)
  • Stay in NHS!
  • Get more tutoring/study table hours than needed.
  • Take SATs and/or ACT and study for them.
  • Get driver's license.
  • Pass AP tests with at least 4's.
  • XXXJob? XXXX
  • XXXGet student of the month for the 4th time.XXX

Non-serious Goals

  • Learn percussion and wean myself off of guard.
  • Make my relationship as fun and satisfying as possible for the both of us.
  • XXXWrite in my blog at least once a week. XXX
  • XXXFill up my entire 'Moleskine'. XXXX
  • Have a heck of a good time in winter percussion.
  • Develop some muscles- start lifting weights.
nov 2 2008 ∞
jan 4 2011 +