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I'm Amanda. I'm 19. I tend to like things. I especially like making lists about myself, other people and my viewpoints. I also like animals, feeling safe, remembering things and looking at / taking pictures. Some things I DON'T like include math, vomit, conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Listography is probably my second-favourite website, after Livejournal. I reveal more of myself o...

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  • My first love lives in Australia, and I fell in love with him when I was 12 years old. We’ve been friends ever since and he’s the only man I trust, though we’re no longer together.
  • I’m hesitant to name a singular person as a best friend, because I hate to leave anyone out, but if I did have to choose, it would (likely) be my friend Larissa! I tell her absolutely everything, without fear of judgement because we’re very alike.
  • I’ve been accused of reading minds (jokingly, of course) because I’m too understanding. It tends to scare people a little, but I really wish it didn’t. I don’t mean it to. I’m just very intuitive about things.
  • I’m addicted to Youtube! My favourite Youtubers are Beebop20, Charlieissocoollike and Peron75 / Whatthebuck.
  • I carry my camera with me everywhere, and I am more likely to have that than my cellphone!
  • I don’t believe in reincarnation, but props to you if you do and / or have experienced past lives! My disbelief stems from the decided fact that I don’t have any. Honestly, with this enthusiasm for life, I just have to be brand new ^_^
  • I like putting smilies into conversations, letters and even functional pieces of writing (like books, short stories, etc). They help to convey feelings and they spice things up. Not to mention, they’re so happy :D
  • I talk about Dinosaurs a lot. I say “Roar” a lot. (Hey, if I had a past life – can I have been a dinosaur? ^_^)
  • I know I'm nutty. I’m glad I’m not alone.
  • I carry a huge purse with me at all times, and people have grown to depend on it.
  • Another trademark of mine, besides the purse and the camera, is the colour purple. It was my first favourite colour, and the last :D
  • Another trademark are fingerless gloves and armwarmers. :P
  • My favourite book is This is All: The Pillowbook of Cordelia Kenn by Aidan Chambers. It’s amazing that one man can be so insightful about a teenage girl character. I know he had help from many other amazing women, and I give props to them too!
  • I make a lot of Pokemon references, and I still adore the franchise…
  • ,,, To the point that the one Youtube video that I have a place as the “most liked commenter” is a Pokemon video. It’s of Pikachu singing. Yeah.
  • I prefer to wear dresses over jeans, but they’re just so chilly in the wintertime…
  • I prefer the colder seasons to the warmer ones.
  • I can’t bring myself to eat lamb, oyster or rabbit.
  • I collect perfumes, essential oils, scented candles and incense.
  • Still, touch is my favourite sense (scent is a very close follow-up, though!)
  • I’m often compared to puppies.
  • Most of my friends used to be guys, but in the past six months this has changed into most of my friends being girls! I have around four close guy friends now – a vast difference from before, let me tell you!
  • I love Hallowe’en, and it’s my favourite time of year.
  • My friend Jeremiah found a glass spider ornament for his Christmas tree this year and immediately thought of me. My new goal is to have a Hallowe’en themed Christmas tree. It’ll be hard, but I’ll do it! :P
  • I love wooden roses.
  • I love the language of flowers, too. Anything relating to flowers, really.
  • I only sleep with stuffed animals because I’m not sure where else to put them (my room is a mess!)
  • I’m a chocoholic.
  • I can’t believe that chocoholic is an actual word and that Word isn’t red squiggly lining it XD
  • I dislike fantasy novels, and prefer Young Adult fiction – but people keep insisting on buying me fantasy… (I feel like Dumbledore with the books and socks right now :P)
  • I own a Yoda USB stick. You take off his head O_O
  • I love salamanders, and my friend Kelsey bought me a salamander-shaped incense holder for Christmas ♥
  • My idea of the perfect adventure is the movie Kiki’s Delivery Service. Fullstop :)
  • I often feel very lonely.
  • I have a Naturalist intelligence, with Intrapersonal in second place and Musical in third.
  • I love Psychological Thrillers, because I adore analysing the motives, thought and emotions of all sorts of different characters. Villains are interesting, though (obviously) not people to aspire to be.
  • I’m very tense and jumpy. My body is always shaking with anxiety.
  • My favourite pillowcase has pretty little blue roses on it♥
  • Audrey Hepburn is one of my heroes. I love her. I adore her. She is amazing.
  • I’m very weird and like to tag the parts of books that I like with little book flags. I feel at a loss when I don’t have book flags with me and read a part of something that I really, really love.
  • My room is constantly messy.
  • I like writing people little notes.
  • I have a four tarot decks, but I don’t use any of them (one of them, I like to look at the pretty pictures, so there :P)
  • I have a lot of issues with guilt. I feel it all the time, for everything.
  • I’ve fallen in love at first sight, and fully believe in it. But I also know that when it ends, it’s the worst thing that can happen to you. (Or, at least, me).
  • The Brave Little Toaster scene with the clown made me terrified of clowns for years.
  • I invited everyone in my classes to my all of my birthdays until Grade 2 because I didn’t want anyone to feel left out.
  • Stars are one of my symbols★
  • I love whimsical Witches.
  • I like alt key codes.
dec 27 2010 ∞
feb 2 2011 +