Someone recently told me that a smart thing to do while heartbroken is to make a list of what you would do if you were single and had a million dollars... this is my list.
- Donate a quarter to a half of the money to charity. Because, honestly, what am I going to do with a million dollars?
- Travel, at least a little. Maybe finally go to Australia, to meet the Aussies face-to-face. Maybe go to Ireland, the most picturesque country in the world. Or New Zealand with Larissa, so we can see the left-over Lord of the Rings sets and hobbit holes!
- Buy a pet llama or emu. (Not actually. This exercise is just reminding me strongly of a Barenaked Ladies song).
- Buy an apartment in downtown Toronto, or somewhere here in my home town, and FINALLY move out! (With my cat)
- Go to Peru with Dav Weav.
- Buy clothes that better express myself.
mar 17 2011 ∞
oct 15 2011 +