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I'm Amanda. I'm 19. I tend to like things. I especially like making lists about myself, other people and my viewpoints. I also like animals, feeling safe, remembering things and looking at / taking pictures. Some things I DON'T like include math, vomit, conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Listography is probably my second-favourite website, after Livejournal. I reveal more of myself o...

listography GIVE MEMORIES
secretowl people (alignments)
art (Art Assignments)
art (Artists)
furiousrose food and drink (Favorite drinks)
list icon
  • Aims (me)
  • Ama(everyone)
  • Amy (Larissa)
  • Mandy (Close friends)
  • Mandie (Pronounced "Man Die".) (Some guy I used to hang out with called Matt)
  • Elizabeth Gentle (Adam M)
  • Tinkerbitch (Jeremiah)
  • Manny (Mom and Dad)
  • Lady Godiva (Mom)
  • Queen Amadela (Mom) (I'm starting to notice a pattern in that I have picked up this trait from her!)
  • Desdemona (Mom)
  • Amabell (Mom)
  • Amaleigh (Mom)
  • Raye and Raye Raye (Teija)
  • Sibra (back when Kelsey and I emmulated The Marauders from Harry Potter. My favourite animal was a white cat, so that was my "animagus", but it eventually turned into a siberian tiger (so we could keep our "werewolf", Luna (Destiny) at baye. We somehow came up with THIS...)
  • Natasha (Ani name)
  • Jade (Mostly by Mario)
  • Jenny (mostly by Jeremiah when we were growing up)
  • Ma'at (Kelsey and I were the cats of Egypt during a game growing up. She was Isis. I'm surprised that there wasn't a Bast, but that was how Thom's mind worked I guess.)
  • I tried to rock "Andy" for a while. It didn't work.
  • "Egg'm" (Kelsey. My four initials make this sound :P
  • Manny Leigh (My Mom was originally going to make "Leigh" my middle name, but it would have with my last name and my first name in a VERY awkward way)
  • Turkey (Kelsey's mom)
  • Awesdaught (Kelsey's mom)
  • Peanut (Kelsey's grandmother)
  • G Cracker (Rachel in Grade 9; short for Ganster Cracker. One day I was referring to graham crackers and said "G cracker" instead)
  • Short one. (Ha HA! Not so short anymore! - 5"2')
  • Hug Bug (Adam H)
  • Hugaroo (Adam H)
  • JoJo (Angela in seventh grade)
  • Bitchy Witchy (me, when I'm in a bad mood)
  • Corny (Kelsey, short for Cornelia (who was my favourite character in the W.I.T.C.H. series growing up)
  • Maeve (Kelsey, after a character in a book that reminded her of me a lot)
  • Bottlebug (My username on many things, and my mom calls me "her bottlebug" sometimes now)
  • Susiebell (Aunt Elaine)
  • Squirt (Val and Joe)
mar 19 2011 ∞
mar 30 2011 +