- Catherine, Duchess of Camebridge (blame the Grandmother)
- Incantation by Alice Hoffman
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Strawberry Banana smoothies from Tim Hortons
- My cat
- Sisterhood Everlasting (once I get my hands on it!)
- InuYasha
- Talking to Damian
- Talking to Rheal
- Mending things with Larrie
- The cottage
- Writing children's stories
- Summer heat
- New bras and underwear
- Gaining weight back!
- Listography
- Blogging
- Transcribing my texts to my computer so I always have the funny, interesting ones
- Thumbelina (the Don Bluth movie)
- Filling out surveys
- Making up lists to post on Listography and Livejournal
- Journalling in my pen-and-paper Livejournal ;o)
jul 7 2011 ∞
jul 7 2011 +