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I'm Amanda. I'm 19. I tend to like things. I especially like making lists about myself, other people and my viewpoints. I also like animals, feeling safe, remembering things and looking at / taking pictures. Some things I DON'T like include math, vomit, conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Listography is probably my second-favourite website, after Livejournal. I reveal more of myself o...

secretowl people (alignments)
art (Art Assignments)
furiousrose food and drink (Favorite drinks)
list icon
  • Dad being the first to wish me "Happy Birthday" at 1:00 in the morning, singing "Happy Birthday" to me.
  • Writing out lists until I could finally go to sleep (around 3:00 AM).
  • Realizing that I'm getting back to my old sleeping patterns ;)
  • A call from Kelsey to wake me up.
  • My cat meowing enthusiastically ("Happy birthday, Mommy", I swear!)
  • My dog giving me puppykisses :D
  • A visit from Kelsey and Awesmom.
  • The bag Kelsey gave me, with dalmatian chocolate in it. (The bag has a lamb, a bunny rabbit, is purple, has yellow tulips on it, and the card is shaped like an egg. It's totally for Easter, but totally perfect!)
  • Showing Kelsey how Theo goes downstairs like a bunny rabbit.
  • Kelsey playing with Theo.
  • Getting pictures with Kelsey and Awesmom.
  • The funny faces in one of those pictures.
  • Aunt Elaine visiting.
  • The bracelet Aunt Elaine gave me.
  • Going with Aunt Elaine to the local bakery.
  • Seeing both Claudia and Kathy at the bakery!!! (we’re close to the owners. It was really nice to see them!)
  • Both of them fawning over my hair (sweet, but a little embarrassing)
  • Claudia’s amazement that I am now nineteen
  • Kathy saying that there was obviously a reason that she had stayed at the bakery for longer than she’d planned. (I’m not a fate person, but it was obviously a compliment)
  • Lemon and cherry tarts (as opposed to éclairs, but still good!)
  • Aunt Elaine missing the turn onto our street on the way home from the bakery.
  • Telling Mom about seeing Claudia and Kathy.
  • Rapunzel thoughts♥
  • Indian Cotton shower gel.
  • Watermelon and Jordan Orange shower gel.
  • Working things out
  • Penne a la vodka
  • Toradora
  • Ami Kawashima
  • A call from my Aunt Helen and Uncle Gordon
  • A call from my Grandma Doreen
mar 20 2011 ∞
apr 4 2011 +