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I'm Amanda. I'm 19. I tend to like things. I especially like making lists about myself, other people and my viewpoints. I also like animals, feeling safe, remembering things and looking at / taking pictures. Some things I DON'T like include math, vomit, conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Listography is probably my second-favourite website, after Livejournal. I reveal more of myself o...

listography NEW NEWS
secretowl people (alignments)
furiousrose food and drink (Favorite drinks)
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  • Lopsided Demented Mind
  • Love Da Mu!
  • Losers Destroy Mufasa
  • Larissa Draws Muffinmen!
  • Long Dead Memories
  • Life's Dangerous Maniac (or one of them)
  • Little Divine Maiden
  • Lacus Dies Mu(rrue)
  • Life + Death = Mental
dec 27 2010 ∞
feb 21 2011 +