- Kangaroos Live... Really
- Krazy Losers Rebel
- Kind Little Retard
- Kill Louis Riel
- Kelsey Learned to Read
- Kelsey Loves Rufio!
- Know Life = Resurrection
- King Lily if Rara-Land
- Kira Loves Rau
- Kelsey Loves Robert (Sidenote: I can imagine the glares from the class when we thought of this)
- Kevin Likes Roran / Rhubarb Pie
- Kermit Loves Radishes
And at the top of the page, it's all...
- Worthy outback of holy orange oranges. (WHAT).
- Louis Riel puts to "P" in "Pie"
dec 27 2010 ∞
dec 27 2010 +