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I'm Amanda. I'm 19. I tend to like things. I especially like making lists about myself, other people and my viewpoints. I also like animals, feeling safe, remembering things and looking at / taking pictures. Some things I DON'T like include math, vomit, conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Listography is probably my second-favourite website, after Livejournal. I reveal more of myself o...

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      • Pride and Prejudice.

Gammy is a combination of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy - witty, beautiful, intelligent, opinionated, passionate, aloof, proud, and tempered. A love-hate relationship suits her perfectly, and she never backs down. It's her favourite movie.

      • Anne of Green Gables.

We've watched the movies on VHS together more than once, and seeing Gammy's romantic side is comfortingly sweet.

      • Werther's Original butterscotch candies.

Each time we see one another, ever since I was old enough to chew, she's slipped me one of them (sometimes in secret). We buy each other bags of the stuff for Christmas.

      • England.

My Gammy is British, and VERY proud of it. She's subscribed to British magazines, even though we live in Canada :P

      • Tea.

As tied in with the above, Gammy LOVES tea. She used to have tea parties with my friends and I (who were all male or tomboys, when I was young). She would put in a large amount of milk and two teaspoons of sugar. She called it "Fairy tea". To be honest, Jeremiah enjoyed these times more than I did.

      • Fae.

I never thought of them together before (strangely), but now, as I look up the mythology of Faerys that Gammy's probably never heard of, I think of her. In a sense, if she could be a Queen, it would only be a Faery Queen; I couldn't see her ruling England or - well - "normal" people. She's not grounded enough! :P

      • Psychic experiences.

I'd never heard about psychics until I told my Gammy about a chain of dreams that I'd had that had come true. And, though she's pragmatic (but again, not grounded), she was thrilled! Her Mother had apparently been "very gifted" at reading tea leaves - I should write some of the stories here later - and she was so excited to see a bit of her in me. My own Mom's always had good intuition, but apparently Great Grandma and I have been deemed "the psychics" of the family. Which, again, is hilarious, because most of my family doesn't *believe* in that sort of thing, but they have NO problem with nicknaming me "The Witch" :P Gammy, we think, has never had any intuitive moments. Mom says it skipped a generation. I think that, really, Gammy is just afraid of them, and also suppresses them out of reverence and respect for her Mother.

      • The song "Beauty and the Beast".

She used to sing it to me, and she does it better than Angela Lansbury.

      • Vibrato.

I always wondered "Why is Gammy's voice so shaky when she sings?"; Dad told me that it was "the style of her time". I still kind of hate it, but it reminds me of her XP

      • Gold, rosy pink and scarlet.

Her colours.

      • Bead necklaces.

I'd wear the ones she gave me if I could find any of them. I loved to play with them as a kid, because of their shapes and textures.

      • August and the sign of Leo.

I'm not one for Astrology. But Gammy is. She loves that she's a Leo. She says it suits her perfectly. It does.

      • Light caught in a prism.

She has prisms in her window - used to, now they're on the TV - and one of my favourite parts of being at her house when I was young was to watch the rainbow colours on the walls.

      • Acceptance.

Gammy can be judgmental and picky, critical and narrow-minded, but in spite of all that, she and my Grandfather Hue were the only people in their parish to talk to a black family that attended. They gradually became closer to the family, and even became the son's Godparents.

      • Edgith "Grandmother" Harman, Crone of the Witches, from the Night World series.

Oh, Lordy, how are they *NOT* alike? Gammy may not be a Witch, but I don't think she would be able to stand chanting, either! :P

      • Lionesses.

She is that she is that she is.

dec 22 2010 ∞
jan 29 2011 +