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I'm Amanda. I'm 19. I tend to like things. I especially like making lists about myself, other people and my viewpoints. I also like animals, feeling safe, remembering things and looking at / taking pictures. Some things I DON'T like include math, vomit, conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Listography is probably my second-favourite website, after Livejournal. I reveal more of myself o...

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  • The day we bought her changed my just-entering-third-grade life. Mom and I went into a pet store to look at some schnauzer puppies. There was a little window full of himilayan kittens, with the one scruffy black one. This cat watched me the entire time that we were in the store, and every time we went near her she started going ballistic. We went home, asked my dad if we could buy her, got a shoe box, and returned to the store. As soon as she saw me, she started meowing, staring, and actually trying to get out of her cage-thing through the little crack between the glass and the wall. When she was coming out of the box, she kept struggling with the person. As soon as I first held her, she settled down.
  • She is a black cat, like a Witch's cat. This was very attractive to my third-grade mind, and I still love her for it.
  • She arches her back when she's scared.
  • She actually seems to listen and can seemingly understand what I'm saying. For example, she started arching her back again when I said to my Mom that I missed seeing her do it.
  • When she met my ex-boyfriend (who, at the time, was my best friend, but turned out to be very abusive), she meowed loudly from the other side of the house. I heard "No" inside my mind, and muttered it out loud. She came running from the other end of the house, stopped in front of him with a terrified look on her face and her ears pinned back, and ran upstairs. She knew he was wrong for me, and tried to tell me. It was my fault for not listening.
  • She plays with my hair like they're snakes, and sproings the ringlets when she lets go, and it's hilarious.
  • When she meows, it sounds like she's saying "Mom".
  • If I ask her to go with me somewhere, she follows me, even if it means she might run into our dog (who she isn't a fan of).
  • She stops purring immediately when she hears our dog Theo barking XD
  • She sleeps on top of my pillow at night, even though cats are nocturnal.
  • She stays with me no matter what I do. I can tell her all my secrets, and she still loves me. I feel forever indebted to her.
  • She's never angry when I come home from being away. She just immediately wants cuddles and love.
  • She meows until I feed her.
  • When she was a kitten and saw me playing a videogame, she got confused about why the characters went off the screen when I finished a level. She would try to follow them and would pat the side of the television, wondering where they went.
  • She watches TV, like, legit :o)
  • She doesn't freak out when I make random squealing or screaming sounds while I'm reading something, watching a good show, etc. She's actually pretty used to my random outbursts.
  • When I had the Robobaby for my parenting class, I slept downstairs in the living room with it. On the second night of having it, Ashley slept in the living room with me and every time I lifted the Robobaby from the carseat, Ashley would move to sit inside the car seat.
feb 21 2011 ∞
aug 18 2011 +